Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Dexter Moore Moss was the son of Sarah (Moore) (fl-79) and the elder James Moss (fl-78). Dexter was born on the 26th of July 1848. He appears to have lived much of his youth in Illinois (possibly Sandwich, Illinois) where he married a woman by the name of Helen Munson. Dexter was a soldier in the Union Army during the American Civil War. He farmed near his brother James E. Moss in Greene County, Iowa.

Dexter Moore Moss (click on image to enlarg) Photo was taken by N. Smith's Gallery in the Bank Building corner of Main and R.R. streets in Sandwich, Illinois.

Helen Munson Moss was born on the 24th of March, 1836 (likely in New York state) Her mother was Lucy White Munson (born on the 7th of April 1806) and her father was Alvah Munso (born in June of 1795). The family lived in Windham, New York
Helen married Dexter Moore Moss in May of 1875 in Windham, New York. She lived most of her adult live in Scranton, Greene County, Iowa and is buried in the Scranton Grave Yard.

Helen Munson Moss (click on image to enlarge)
An unique 2¢ United States "Internal Revenue" stamp is affixed to the back of this photograph)

Jesse Munson Moss was born on the 11th of January, 1876 in Sandwich, Illinois. He married Mamie Thompson in Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa. Jesse died on the 25th of May, 1941 in Scranton, Iowa.

Jesse Munson Moss (click on image to enlarge - image copied from an original tin-type in the collection of Gerald Fecht, Tarzana, California 2009) A similar photo taken about this same time of Jesse has a Sandwich, Illinois label on the back.

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